Friday, August 19, 2005

System theory my theory

Ah, now I'm in year 3 already and today is the last day of the 4th week.

Ever since I came back to this peaceful and stable land of kiasu, there have been happenings and turbulences in Malaysia. AP and AP for Approved Permit and Air Pollution index, UMNO, Proton, developed state, Anwar... and many more that I forgot already. Look like sometimes turbulences blow away the haze so there transparency or for some the haze comes and causes turbulences. Chicken or egg?

On the other hand over the other side of the strait, things do not always be as calm as the appearance. The leakage from the golden tap fuelled the nation's emotion and ultimately flushed away some off the door. Today's Today's headline reads NKF is being probed. The moral of the story is: you pay peanuts, you get monkey, and probably it's clan as well.

DotCom doesn't shine anymore these days. But the success of Baidu's IPO and the acquisition of and offer of Google's new shares tell different stories. Apple is switching to Intel because Intel has new recipe.

Adidas (oh i bought its shoes for the first time) and Reebok had some talks which is none other than how good how nice how smart how big how profitable they can be after their merger/acquisition/(?).

Can we get something by just looking at these odd combinations of events?


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