Thursday, October 05, 2006

Issue with SolidWork COM Addin in Visual C++

Baru managed to remove one obstacle hindering my FYP progress: interfacing between C and SolidWorks. I'm already 1 month behind schedule.. Since I got the solution from a forum, so for your benefit, hope the details that follow would be useful someday.
Setup Ms Visual Studio.NET 2002.
API SDK for SolidWorks 2005
Issue Unsuccessful starting of a new project with the wizard "SolidWorks COM Addin" under Visual C++. Error message below appeared.

"Object with program ID VsWizard.VsWizardEngine.7.1 cannot be created"

  1. Open SwCOMAddinWizard.vsz using a text editor such as notepad under (by default) "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\vcprojects".
  2. Remove ".7.1" and save.
  3. Start Visual Studio IDE again. You should now be able to start the wizard normally.
I still need help on how to interface both of these programs correctly. Somebody please advice.


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