Sunday, April 10, 2005

In search of Geniuses

Ok, there are 4 more days for the exam. I got 7 papers to take, scattering over a very wide spectrum of field ranging from math to life sciences to economics, the time is simply not enough. So I must find someway to relax the overstressed mind. And I find Friendster is quite interesting and it is a good source to stimulate my thinking.

On my genius list I found that there are indeed people who are studying the level ahead of others. For instance, people who passed PTS, who found Peperiksaan Terlalu Senang1 and got straight to Primary 6 from Primary 4.

I don’t know the significance of such exam and how has those students been performing, but I think despite their younger age they really have some special capabilities which I would shamefully admit that I do not have. Each excels in certain field.

When I heard about this exam few years back, I thought it must need genius to pass it. Friendster shows that these geniuses do exist and it forces me really have to rethink how the actual world outside is. 5 years ago I didn’t think bout where I would be today or what I would be doing. Needless to say further down the road. But now I must and have to seek the oracle or the mirror of the world and get a plan.

As someone who thinks that Peperiksaan Terlalu Susah2, I have no choice but to be Popeye The Sailorman and find my spinach and, vroooooom, go ahead study diligently.

1 Exam too easy.
2 Exam too tough.


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