Listen up, a wise man is giving speech!
Exams are drawing nearer and nearer day after day. I have 7 papers of 7 subjects to sit for in two more weeks. Despite the notes that already heaped like a little mountain on my desk, I still have countless works awaiting me to deal with.
For the whole long weekend I only managed to touch little bit on math, complex integrals in the early morning (2 am) and now PDE at 11pm. While digesting the complicated relationship between partial differential equation and Fourier series, at the same time I am also cooking my foot, err, corn soup more specifically.
Being so stressed up these days, I can hardly chill up myself to face all the problems. Unfortunately, there is this unexpected happening that I have really no idea how it comes about.
No, it is not typo. I am cooking my FOOT – in the hot water. It is a small protruded part beneath my right foot, few millimetres in front of my heel that causes the trouble. Roughly 2 months ago I consulted a doctor-to-be as it was FOC, but he couldn’t figure out what’s wrong with it. Then few weeks later, at last, quite a few people plus a practicing doctor finally convinced me that it is a CORN, in which Chinese calls it “ji yan” (chicken’s eye).
It’s said that it’s due to a pressure point, where a defect in my right shoe, not left one, with a small surface area plus my forever increasing weight under constant gravitational acceleration, acting upon my foot and hence my foot, since obeying Newton’s third law, provides a reaction force to achieve internal equilibrium, and creates a cycle that eventually worsens the situation day after day.
Aih… Now I walk like an old man, perhaps 83 years old, for 10,000 steps in the campus everyday. Hopefully this would create an illusion that I’m a wise and have an ever-so-young-look professor who has just gone through plastic surgery. If it really does, I would definitely happy to invite him/her over to my room to taste the corn soup. That would make you wise, too. :)