Friday, November 17, 2006

Little break

Today's paper wasn't that difficult at all. But I didn't prepare well enough to do it in a breeze and left a part blank.

My next paper will be on the 27, giving a 10-day break. On the Monday following next week, I'll sit for ergonomics and economics. Both are interesting!

It's yet 10pm but I really need to sleep. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzzzz..

Monday, November 13, 2006

End of Reporting, Embracing Exams

So that was it, study of physical ergonomics on welding, the last report to be submitted for this semester. Below is the cover for the report, it's actually my friend's "guo bei long";

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the next one is the stuff that my hands stuck to, and will be sticking to till the day of the golden streets and pearly gates and then let's eat and be merry.

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Very unbelievable, I've done 5 presentations and 7 reports this sem. So I'm now ready going to start revision with full thrust.

15/11 Professional Communication
17/11 Mech System Design and Analysis

27/11 Human Factors in Design
27/11 Economic Theory

29/11 Money and Banking
30/11 Engineers and Society
01/12 Strategic Mgmt of Product Development


02/12 Rec

04/12 Resume hopeless MP4079 fyp

07/12 TR802
12/12 TR803

13/12 Continue challenging hopeless work

Look forward to 2007 - Visit Malaysia Year! Haha.